Yin Yoga is yoga’s equivalent of getting stoned! Join me for two hours of this magic and gift yourself some dedicated time and space to unwind.
Yin yoga is sloooowwww. We let go of the need to rush. We arrange our bodies in shapes, then embrace a softness & tenderness within them. For me it’s a true sense of coming home, to myself. Everything is close to the earth so that we plug in and ground. When the body finds stillness, the breath slows, the nervous system switches from high alert & stress mode into rest & digest. This tells our bodies we are safe. Our minds ease. Tension melts. Emotions may be stirred.
I am so looking forward to sharing this practice with you in real life and over Zoom. This event will be live-streamed from The Yoga Edge studio in Crystal Palace so you can come and join me in real life (only 11 spaces) or enjoy the deeply relaxing practice from home.
This event is suitable for all levels, including beginners. If practicing from home you will need a few pillows or cushions and a blanket.
Price: £25
We have a small number of discounted places for those with limited resources, please contact us.